Our History begins with stories of four different churches: Rivers Methodist, Daly Methodist, Knox Presbyterian in Rivers, and Robertson Presbyterian at Pettapiece.

Pettapiece services began in 1880, with Robertson Presbyterian Church being built in 1887.

Daly Methodist services were held in private homes as early as 1881. The school built in 1883 served as a place of worship until a church was built in 1902.

Methodist services in Rivers began in 1909 in Wagar Hall.

Presbyterian services were held in Rivers in 1908 in such varied locations as railway cars, the train station waiting room local business until a church building was constructed on the present site in 1909 for $2,200. The church was named Knox Presbyterian Church. After it was built The Methodists and Presbyterians both held services in Knox Church on alternate Sundays.

Congregations in the West at this time were many, but small, and there was a definite shortage of clergy and money, so there was a local union of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches. 
It was called the Rivers Union Church and worshipped in the present building.

In 1925 the churches formed a national union and The United Church of Canada was formed.

1931 saw the former Methodist Church moved to the east side of Rivers United Church to serve as a church hall until a new annex was built in 1953. 

The church was further renovated in 1956 – 1960.

The hundredth anniversary was celebrated in 2008.

Stories of Our Church

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